Nov 1
Nurses Summit on Combatting and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting
Sep 18-26
World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting
Pacchetti informativi e comunicati stampa
Vi invitiamo a scaricare qui sotto i pacchetti in-formativi specializzati, che vi aiuteranno a infor-mare voi stessi o la vostra organizzazione sulla Dichiarazione universale.
Rapporti per i media
- 台南市議會通過決議 支持立法嚴懲活摘器官
- 台北市議會決議:支持立法嚴懲活摘器官
- 台北市議會:支持立法嚴懲活摘器官暴行
- 立法院長513籲挺反活摘 談國際重視台灣新法案
- 加速反活摘立法 游錫堃:最快下週排入院會
- 眾院通過美國首個懲罰中共活摘器官法案
- 共享活摘的器官?台日韓籲抵制中共器官洗白
- ‘Desperate’ need for organ harvesting ban: legislators
- 台推動反活摘器官立法 歐美日韓政要齊聲力挺
- 全球聲援台灣反活摘立法 朝野立委促列優先法案
- 歐議會議員:中共對活摘器官議題非常害怕
- 前日本黑幫幹部 直擊中共活摘法輪功學員器官現場
- UN場邊會提反活摘器官法 台委員籲設UN調查組
- UN場邊會 人權組織推各國制定反活摘器官法
- An ‘Unprecedented Evil Atrocity’: Countries Urged to Criminalize Forced Organ Harvesting
- https://hoy.com.do/celebraran-cumbre-sobre-la-extraccion-forzada-de-organos/
- 反活摘峰會政要譴責中共籲各國制止最野蠻罪行
- 反活摘器官峰會籲各國立法懲治中共暴行
- NGOs plan declaration on forced organ-harvesting
- Anti-Forced Organ Harvesting Groups to Launch Global Summit
- Le Sommet mondial sur la lutte et la prévention du prélèvement forcé d’organes
- Cumbre Mundial Contra la Extracción Forzada de Órganos: una alarma para la humanidad
- World Summit against Forced Organ Harvesting: An Alarm to Humankind
- US Medical Bodies Silent on China’s Organ Harvesting Over Fear of Regime Retaliation, Doctor Says
- China’s ‘Commercialized Murder’ in Organ Transplant Industry Must End, UK Official Says