Become a

We welcome you to formally become an individual co-signatory, an NGO Supporter or an Individual Supporter of the Universal Declaration. By doing so, you will formally endorse this unique document and its noble mission. Your voice will join a growing cohesive international network of socially conscious individuals, whose mission is to end the crimes of forced organ harvesting in China.

Individual Co-Signatories

By becoming a co-signatory you formally endorse the UDCPFOH and agree to join a growing list of international dignitaries who have signed the Declaration.

NGO Supporters

By becoming an NGO supporter of the tenets presented in the UDCPFOH you agree to voice a clear condemnation of the crimes of forced organ harvesting on behalf of your organization.

Individual Supporters

We welcome you to become an individual supporter of the Universal Declaration, which will ensure that your name will be added to the international supporter's list.

* Privacy Statement : Initiators of UDCPFOH will not share or sell your personal information to any third party.

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